Monday, January 10, 2011

"Monroe Doctrine for Europe" and the "European New Order"

So basically the "European New Order" was just to counter the Atlantic Charter and a convenient expansion to Hitlers previous "Monroe doctrine for Europe". In the "European New Order" the dictators "pledged themselves to remove the causes of war, eradicate the threat of Bolshevism (practices of ultra radical socialists or political ultra radicals) put an end to plutocratic exploitation and establish close and peaceful collaborations among the people of Europe." Which is basically a bunch of mumbo jumbo if you ask me. Hitler just wanted his views to reign over everyone. The "European New Order" was really just a way of spreading the political, economic, and social system Hitler wanted. This order was just propaganda and nothing else. Hitler was just using this to his advantage. My question though is did it work? Did the "European New Order" really influence anyone or was it a dud?


  1. I think the European New Order was just another piece of propoganda to glorify Nazi Germany. Hitler's top officials talked about it a lot once the idea was created, but it didn't change German policy much, nor did it accomplish anything drastic in terms of new control.

  2. I see Shannon's point about how it didn't change German policy all that much, but I guess it didn't detract from it either and obviously Hitler gained most of his support from his brilliant propaganda, hopeful speeches, false promises, scapegoats, and charismatic attitude, so the policy had some kind of effect because the people still supported him, men still joined his army and women still supported him on the homefront.

  3. Tess-- I am impressed that your whole paragraph is one sentence.
    Clearly, I don't think that the European New Order worked. Obviously there are no "peaceful collaborations among the people of Europe." Therefore, I don't think you can say it was set up to reach the goals Hitler put on the table. I think that it was for the reasons of his own agenda that he proposed this idea in the first place.

  4. I agree with Tess about Hitler gaining so much support through his propaganda. It seems like the policy did very little in reality, but as a way of promoting his views and trying to increase his power I think it was pretty smart of Hitler.

  5. I think that it worked. Most of the time propoganda is to an extent effective. I believe that he was able to get support out of what he did and i think that it did work and it was a good idea.

  6. I don't think Hitler's propaganda worked. Maybe it did at first, but I wonder how much the German people really believed in their "cause". However, my question about this issue is: did hitler really believe this propaganda would work in the long run? I'm not sure he did. I think it was more just an effort to gain support for a while, but not for very long.

  7. I think at first glance the goals of the Doctrine seem like something you'd expect from a UN-like organization. Truly they sound wholesome and beneficial. So, I agree with the others, a brilliant act of propaganda that made Hitler seem a dedicated and motivated ruler.

  8. I don't think that the European New Order worked either, first of all, it was never a collaboration. Hitler basically took over from the start and Mussolini was totally peeved about being treated like a joke and having no power in the agreement. I agree with the general opinion that it was mostly propaganda. At the time and in retrospect, you would have had to be completely naive to think Hitler was happy with what he had and was now intent on peaceful "collaboration". That's just ridiculous.

  9. I definitely do not think it really changed or did anything. Like stated it was really just propaganda. Hitler was going to do what he wanted, he had no interest in working with others to come to a agreement. It was more just to appease the public and keep the people thinking everyone was working together. So no it did not work!

  10. I think the New Order thingamajig didn't do much of anything. It was just propaganda to make Hitler look good and to increase support of his ideas. I don't think that the actual policy worked at all, because there wasn't any "peaceful collaborations among the people of Europe", and I'm pretty sure that Hitler didn't actually want to "remove the causes of war" because he needed war to get what he wanted.

  11. I agree that the "European New Order" was just another form of propoganda. Though it didn't in itself do anything to help Germany spread its ideas and win the war overall, it definitley strengthened German sentiments toward German ideas and strengthened their belief that what they stood for was right. However, with what Tess said, Hitler's techniques with propoganda would never have been successful without his use of violence as well; if he hadn't knocked out all the competition and disposed of anyone who didn't appear to go along with what he was doing, then his propoganda would've worked on some people, but others' opinions would've balanced it out. Basically, Hitler was able to get so much done because he wasn't a nice guy :)

  12. At the very least, i think the European new order served to make Hitler's ideas seem like a good thing. This allowed him to work without too much opposition. He needed any good publicity he could get. This certainly did not hurt.

  13. I also agree with Ben on this, the European New Order idea did allow Hitler to move much more freely allowing him to do whatever he wanted without much opposition.

  14. I think Hitler's intent was to, yet again, eliminate more political opposition. Who wants to deal with revolutionists in a time of war? Also I agree that his focus was on spreading his agenda through propaganda as means of ensuring that the people still showed some form of support towards him.

  15. I think that it would be to simple to call the European New Order simply propaganda. From my interpretation of the reading the New Order was more of a "You have you alliance agreement so we have European New Order." I do think that it was a way of Hitler spreading his views but I do not think that it was simply propaganda because if we call that propaganda I think by the same idea we would have to call a lot in war propaganda.
